Monday, August 25, 2008

Family Portraits

We are pleased to be offering
again this year.

For just $15.00 your family receive a beautifully posed 10 x 13 inch / 253 x 330mm studio quality portrait fully framed valued at $80.00 for only $15.00
You have the choice of full colour or stylish black & white.
Each family will also recieve a complimentary photo keyring.

Please return your booking forms to school with full payment -$15.00

Photo Day is 19 Oct 2008 in school libary

Enquiries : Leanne 0402 507 041

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Congratulations - Junior Touch Footy

Congratulations PSSA Junior Touch Footy team.
On Friday afternoon the team went to Bathurst Street Oval to play the Grand Final against Girraween Public School. Both teams have been very evenly matched throughout the year and only one point separated them on the for and against ladder. Wenty got a quick try just a few minutes into the game and then again just before half time. A great field length dash completed the tries in the second half with Wenty winning 3-0. Our defense was fantastic. Keep an eye out in the school newsletter for a photo of our winners with the shield. Thanks to the students, parents and teachers that came to be the cheer squad.

Friday, August 15, 2008


We had the first of our 4 parent workshops in mathematics today. Ms Daher and I were pleased to spend time with 6 interested parents and discuss "addition and subtraction" Hope to see more parents next week - ring the office or send a note if you are coming so we can be prepared with resources. Thanks to those parents who attended!


Over the last few weeks I have given out many 100% attendance awards to students for semester 1. Attendance and punctuality are very important aspects of school and later life - let's see if we can have even more awards in semester 2.

Thank you and good luck Vik!

This week we are saying goodbye to a great family, who are moving to Queensland. Vik Shah was a member of the P&C executive this year and is the driving force behind this blog. He researched, discussed issues, promoted new ways of doing things and taught us how to manage our blog. We would not have one without Vik.
Thank you Vik, you will be missed by our school community and I wish you and your family well in the future!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

PSSA - Junior Touch Football - GRAND FINAL

The PSSA Junior Touch Football team have made the Grand Final. It will be played at Bathurst Street Oval, Bathurst Street, Greystanes. The game will commence at 4.20pm. We hope to see plenty of supporters there to cheer on our school team and hopefully we will be able to retain the shield we won last year. GOOD LUCK TEAM

Monday, August 11, 2008

Premier's Reading Challenge 2008 Closing Soon

The Premier’s Reading Challenge comes to a close at the end of August. All children need to have handed in their reading sheet to me by Wednesday 27 August so I can validate their entries. No entries can be accepted after this date.
To be validated the children need to have read the required number of books and to have returned their permission slip. If they are not sure if they have returned their permission slip they can always check with me in the library.
The children will receive their certificates in December when they arrive at the school.
Thank You

Tricia Brown
Teacher / Librarian

Book Character Parade

Book Character Parade
To celebrate Book Week we are holding a Book Character Parade. This will take place on Thursday, August 21st, at 12:15 pm.
Parents are welcome to attend and are also invited to spend lunch with their children. A picnic lunch would be ideal.
The children are asked to come dressed as a book character. This could simply mean a pair of sunglasses, a black cape and a lightening bolt scar and there you have Harry Potter.
A pirate from Treasure Island could be created from rolled up jeans, a T shirt and a scarf.
The aim of the parade is for the children to have fun.
Hoping to see you there,
Tricia Brown
Teacher /Librarian.

Book Fair 2008

Book Week 2008
Next week is Book Week. To celebrate we are holding our annual fund raiser, the Book Fair, which will be held on Wednesday, August 21st in the library. It starts at 9am and concluded at 5:30 pm.
Your child will visit the fair with their class. They may also visit at recess, lunch or after school if accompanied by a parent.
Infant’s children, especially Kindergarten, wishing to purchase a book need to bring their money in a envelope marked clearly with their name and class. This saves a lot of heartache on the day.
The books generally are of a good standard and price. The average price for a soft cover book is $5 and many hardbacks are available from $7 - $8. Books range up to $20.
The timetable for the Book Fair is as follows:
9:00 to 9:30 5/6S
9:30 to 9:50 KS
9:50: to­ 10:10 KM
10:10 to 10:30 KA
10:30 to 11:00 2D and 2L

11:20 to 11:40 1 /2 Red
11:40 to 12:00 1T and 1R
12:00 to 12:20 4S
12:20 to 12-40 3V
12:40 to 1:00 5/6 J
1:00 to 1:20 5/6C

2:15 to 2:30 3R
2:30 to 2:50 3/4P

Fair open until 5:30
Thank you for your past and ongoing support.
Hope to see you next week!
Patricia Brown
Teacher/ Librarian

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Sports Carnival - Thank You Helpers

The sports carnival was a great success. Congratulations to the teachers for getting all the students back to school before the storm hit. A big thanks must go to the following people who help run the canteen, Kylie, Diane, Leanne, Fiona, Tina, Alan and Steven. Without these people we would not have been able to offer a canteen. The students were VERY VERY excited and really enjoyed the day.