Thursday, October 29, 2009

Breast Cancer Fundraiser

Thanks to every one for making this such a great day. The school was a sea of pink and blue! There was such a strong feeling of school community on this day. It really was quite special.
The amount of money raised will be announced in the next newsletter.
A special thanks to all those who baked or bought cakes
for us to sell.
The Children of the S.R.C.

Book Drive for the Children of Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea Schools Book Program
The school is taking part in a book drive to help the children of Papua New Guinea and we are asking for your help. If you have any books at home that you are no longer using please send them along to the library. The books need to be suitable for children up to twelve years of age.
Many children in Papua New Guinea have very limited access to reading materials so any books you give will make a great difference to them.
It’s Spring time, so now is a good time to clean out your book shelves.
We will let you know how many books we collect for the children.
Patricia Brown Teacher/ Librarian

Friday, October 23, 2009


With summer on the way we want to remind you that the uniform shop sells BLACK SUNGLASSES for $10.00 each. They have High Sunglare Reduction and Good UV protection. It is never too early to protect our children's eyes.

Fridge Pockets

Fridge Pockets are a fantastic way to keep all your school notes and newsletters together, they are also useful for sports draws and bills. They are available in the uniform shop on Monday mornings. $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00